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COVID-19 Funeral and Memorial Technology and Offer COVID-19 Families
New Funeral and Memorial Technology Tools

Memorial Technology
New Memorial Technology Helps COVID-19 Families Heal and Remember

COVID-19 Families Face Funeral Planning Challenges

In response to the overwhelming number of families losing loved ones to the COVID-19 pandemic, Funeral and provide COVID-19 families with the awareness, education, and access to some of the funeral industry’s newest and most innovative memorial technology tools.

Chris Hill, Founder says; “With a national shutdown in place, COVID-19 families and the death care industry are both facing the most devastating funeral planning challenges in the history. Not only are there extreme limitations on accessing traditional funeral planning needs like funerals, visitations, wakes, memorial services, but to make matters worse, lots of stress and pressure to afford the significant costs and expenses of losing a loved one.”

COVID-19 Families Have Much-Needed Help and Hope

Not only is there an abundance of free information, answers, and support available at these family-focused online resource centers for COVID-19 families, but also access to new memorial technology tools.

Most Popular New Memorial Technology Tools:

  1. Funeral Webcasting – Allows families to “attend” a memorial service “live” online
  2. Video Tribute – Powerful combination of video, pictures, and funeral music
  3. Memorial Website – Personalized websites so families can share together anywhere
  4. Gravestone Technology – Amazing way to see much more than a name and date
  5. Memorial Diamond – Customized genuine diamonds for family heirlooms
  6. Memorial Reefs – Green Burials at sea offer an underwater living legacy

“After losing a loved one, my loss became an inspiration to help families make these difficult situations easier. Given the COVID-19 crisis facing families today, we felt compelled to serve as the hands and feet of Christ. We knew God was calling us to find a way to come together and do something special…at a time when families need it most”, explains Christopher P. Hill, Founder.

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Digital Time Capsule and SafeBeyond

Digital Legacy Planning Recommends SafeBeyond

What is a Digital Time Capsule?

Throughout our lives most of us enjoy significant life events such as birthdays, graduations, weddings, and more.  Given the advent of the internet, explosive growth in technology, and new memorial technology tools and resources, individuals and families now have an amazing new option:  capture and store your all-important life events with a digital time capsule.

Who is SafeBeyond?

SafeBeyond recognizes that everyone’s life story is unique and constantly affected by change.  SafeBeyond is a user-friendly service for online digital legacy planning.  They offer a state-of-the-art digital time capsule that allows people to stay connected with their families and loved ones for generations to come.

What Makes SafeBeyond Different? has created the world’s most advanced digital legacy planning and asset management service.  This new and innovative technology allows you to remain a part of your loved ones lives forever.

Some of SafeBeyond’s key features and benefits:

  • An innovative online and mobile app solution
  • Easy and secure management of your life story and your meaningful digital content
  • Enhanced distribution capabilities for the future delivery of personalized messages and digital assets
  • Ability to choose when, where and with whom your messages and other digital assets will be shared
  • Capture and share life’s most meaningful moments in the form of video, audio, and/or text messages
  • Organize and securely store important digital asset management
  • Offer quick and easy access to key account and password information

Sign up for FREE through

SafeBeyond’s free service guarantees individuals and families the peace of mind they need and deserve.  By using their digital legacy planning, this ensures your words of wisdom, encouragement, and love are always accessible  – and when they are needed the most.

Click Here to learn more about SafeBeyond’s
FREE Digital Time Capsule and Digital Legacy Planning