Green Burials
Green Burial Council – The Industry “Gold Standard”
Since 2005, the Green Burial Council has been working with green burials to make this process more sustainable for the planet, meaningful for the families, and economically viable for the Funeral Provider. They have emerged as the “gold standard” among families, Land trusts, Park Service Agencies, as well as the Cemetery and Funeral Industry.
Three Main Goals of the Green Burial Council:
1. Developing a Certification Program that is bringing about a new ethic in the Green Funeral and Cemetery Industry that is rooted in transparency, accountability and ecological responsibility.
2. Establishing an International Network of “Approved Providers” who are committed to reducing toxins, waste, and carbon emissions that have been associated with conventional end-of-life rituals.
3. Focusing on bringing Conservation Organizations together with Cemetery Operators, Funeral Establishments, and Cremation Companies with the sole purpose of creating Burial Programs that facilitate the restoration, acquisition and stewardship of natural areas.