End of Life
End of Life, Pre Need, or Final Expense Specialists
Below is a list of our our screening process and criteria when determining whether an End of Life, Pre Need, or Final Expense Specialist is considered to be:
Pre-Screened and Qualified:
Extensive training program administered through a qualified instructor and firm:
- Fully trained and experienced in the multiple facets of preplanning such as a Preplanning, Pre Need Plans (funded or unfunded), Funeral Insurance Funded Funeral Plans, Funeral Trusts, and Final Expense Plans
- Obtained a PreNeed License in order to be able to sell property, services, or merchandise (not required in all states)
- Must have at least 12 months experience working directly with PreNeed’s family servicing circumstances
- Committed to a high level of care and genuine concern and on behalf of the people and families they serve
- If they are also a Funeral Director, they must be properly and currently licensed by their resident state, as well as meet the screening process of our Funeral Advisors/Directors/Counselors members
- Their Funeral Home, Cemetery, or company should preferably be a member of of an industry-leading association such as the National Association of Funeral Directors (www.nfda.org) or the International Cemetery, Cremation, and Funeral Association (www.iccfa.com)
- Must be employed by a funeral home, cemetery, or company that maintains solid financial strength in the industry
- Cannot have any past or pending suspensions or fines by their resident state or supervisory entities